Page 3 - SSDC
P. 3

In these 3 years of this competition, I have held a multitude of leadership positions

        based on the organizational chart given to us by the National Space Society (NSS)

        and the Aerospace Education Competition.

        My learning have not only how to be a team leader but also helped me to deal with:

        1.     Conflict resolution

        2.  Moral Control

        3.  Taking Ownership

        4.  Patience

        5.  Feedback and incorporation of the same

        But these were not the only skills I learnt! It allowed me to become adept with
        effective communication and pereceptive of peers and their hidden motives.

        I became skilled at converging these various agends, allowing my team to maixmise

        their potentional.

        ISSDC 2023 RUNNERS UP                                                        ARSSDC 2023 WINNERS
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