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Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                   8  of  37

          indirect reactions, the EO technique has proved that it can convert PFASs into compounds that are safe     224

          for the environment. Transfer of electrons from the PFAS molecule to the anode causes the direct      225
          oxidation. At the same time, indirect methods include the electrochemical production of strong oxidants     226

          known  as  radicals  [50-52].  Long-chain  PFAS  treatment  has  shown  removal  rates  of  up  to  >99%.     227
          However,  short-  chain  PFASs  are harder  to  breakdown  using  the  EO  technique,  and  because  the     228

          precursors are converted during treatment, the PFAS concentration may potentially rise as a result [53-     229

          55]. The duration of PFAS treatment with EO is influenced by a variety of factors, including electrode     230
          surface area and properties, starting PFAS concentration (co-contaminant present), efficiency target,     231

          and voltage. EO is a superior oxidation technology since it can operate at low temperatures without     232
          adding too many chemicals [56]. Some of the benefits of this method are its high PFAS oxidation       233

          performance, low volume use, and minimal environmental effect when compared to other destruction      234
          technologies [57]. Furthermore, hybrid PFAS destruction systems combining EO and IXR, as well as      235

          concentrated retentate from nanofiltration and reverse osmosis procedures, have showed significant     236

          PFAS  destruction  efficiency  [58].  With  high  destruction  rates,  EO  efficiently  removes  PFASs  in     237
          synthetically  generated  solutions  as  well  as  real  polluted  groundwater  and  wastewater  [59].     238

          Furthermore, it permanently removes PFASs, does not require secondary waste removal, and does not     239

          require any extra chemicals or pre-treatment processes [60]. The biggest obstacle for the full-scale     240
          implementation  of  EO  for  PFAS  treatment  is  scaling  up  this  technology.  This  is  due  to  low     241

          concentration of PFAS, the high energy requirement electrolysis part, and high initial expenses due to     242
          the high cost of electrode procurement. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) is the most often used electrode;     243
          aside from  being  difficult  to make, it costs around $7125/m   [61]. As a result, research on PFAS     244
          breakdown using EO is still restricted to the laboratory scale [46].    New factors such as electric field     245

          amplitude  and  reaction  chamber  geometry  might  have  a  substantial  impact  on  PFAS  degrading     246

          efficiency  [62-64].  Another  issue  of  this  method  is  the  creation  of  extremely  corrosive  hydrogen     247
          fluoride vapour because of its interaction [65]. After PFAS destruction using the Ti/RuO2 anode [19]     248

          and the BDD anode [66-68], the development of oxidation by products such as perchlorate and chlorate,     249
          as well as the formation of bromine compounds [69, 70], has been described in the literature. The     250

          generation of hazardous chlorine (Cl2) was reported in chloride-containing water, albeit the process is     251
          yet unclear [56]. These hazardous substances might have come from electrodes used as anodes in EO     252

          treatment, which often contain toxic heavy metals that could be discharged into the treated water. As a     253
          result, more research into the development of harmful bioproducts is required.                          254

          3.5 Plasma Technology                                                                                   255
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